
Archive for the ‘Holy Sh..’ Category

Yummy Snacks!

June 20, 2008 Leave a comment

A New Snack For Mike

Categories: Holy Sh..

Torpedo In The Water

August 14, 2007 3 comments

Last night I was on bath duty with Travis (which really means that I make sure his head doesn’t go under the water while he plots some sort of inventive way to get a full cup on water onto my pants).  We were having a good time until something happened.

He was running around and made a immature gaseous noise from the lower-rear area of his body.  One of us (can’t remember who) made a comment about how that he gets that from mommy. We laughed.  Then the laughter stopped.

He squatted down and  created an enormous doody (honestly, the size was shocking).  Travis was pretty impressed and appeared like he was going to try to play with his new floating toy.  My daddy-intuition went off and told me that this was not an appropriate action to allow.  Short on time and with few options I had to free hand the new ‘tub toy’ turn and toss it in the toilet.  Thankfully the seat was up.

Another incident in the washroom has possibly scarred me for life.  Do you think being a father qualifies for danger pay?

Categories: Funny, Holy Sh.., Travis

Not Bad For A Tubby Guy

August 1, 2007 1 comment

Here is a video Matty P took over the weekend of my incredible skills. This isn’t my best attempt, the form is a little off, but it is the one that is on film.

Be warned, I am not wearing a shirt so it may not be safe for children (or safe for work). And yes I understand that it is funny that I can grow hair everywhere except my head. Hardy har har.

Categories: Holy Sh.., Movies, Ninja, Tubby

Have You Seen Matt’s Sister?

May 9, 2007 Leave a comment

Back in the day I played the Magical cards with Matt. My best wishes go out for him and his family.

Categories: Holy Sh.., Links

Eddie Griffin May Not Borrow My Car

March 31, 2007 3 comments

Wow. Ferarri Enzo – 1.5 Million Dollars. Gavin Weaser probably is crying somewhere.

Categories: Cars, Holy Sh..

Not For The Feint Of Heart

February 27, 2007 3 comments

This is pretty much how I imagined the ‘Jason Robar Baseball Incident’. You know, the one where Jav forces Jay to play baseball in the rain and Jay never walks properly again (and then aggrivated during the ‘Jason Robar Bowling Incident’).

The most amazing part of the whole thing … apparently the player in the clip (Shaun Livingston) only suffered a dislocated knee cap from this incident.

Categories: Holy Sh.., Sports