
Archive for March, 2007

Eddie Griffin May Not Borrow My Car

March 31, 2007 3 comments

Wow. Ferarri Enzo – 1.5 Million Dollars. Gavin Weaser probably is crying somewhere.

Categories: Cars, Holy Sh..

We Can Make Sandwiches

March 30, 2007 3 comments

For this post you are going to want to open this link in a background window and simply sing along.

I know you wanna do it
You know I wanna do it too
Out here on the dance floor
We can make sandwiches
You can be the bun
And I can be the burger girl
I know you wanna do it
We can make sandwiches
So make your thighs like butter, easy to spread
And we can make sandwiches
Out here on the dance floor
Come on we can do it
We can make sandwiches

(repeats 5 times)

I know you wanna do it

Categories: Music

Friends Share With Each Other

March 28, 2007 3 comments

Here are a couple of quick news stories I found both interesting and funny.

First we have the tale of Freddie Wilhite. This 67 year old gentleman from just outside Fort Worth Texas, recently shot his wife twice in the stomach because she enticed him and ridiculed him over the years. I am sure that this is not supposed to be funny but as I have discussed that I have a problem before.

Here is the 911 audio. He is incredibly calm, pretty creepy actually. My favourite part is when he confirms the house address with ‘thats it baby’ with a bit of an Elvis flair. Have a listen.

Our second article is about presidential candidate (and long time Arizona Representative so he is well liked in the family) John McCain’s recent change in opinion about same sex marriage as posted on his MySpace page.


This guy is going to be president for sure! This is actually a lesson on why not to link to images on other people servers (like I have in this post) but I got a chuckle. You can read the full story here.

Categories: Funny, Links

10 Things

March 27, 2007 3 comments

Well Jorge is at it again.  I have been tagged again with one of these Pyramid Scheme blog post things.  I didn’t receive any money from the last one (which you can see here) so I am not sure how the scam works (I should of been a millionaire by my math).  It appears Jules is the mastermind behind this one …

Here are the rules … simply provide a list of 10 things that you can not live without.  People and Animals are not to be included.  I think Jorge took a bit of the cheap way out with things like food and air but he might have some other stuff on his mind these days (I hear he twitches and springs to his feet anytime he gets a phone call from home/Mrs Jorge).  I will take the high road and include only specific examples (like my favourite food or type of air).

  1. iPOD – mostly due to my commute, if it was not for this little magic device there would be more then one deceased driver lying in the shoulder of the 401 by my hand, leading to my incarceration (minimum).
  2. High Speed Internet – have you used dial up lately … I had a 300 baud modem for my Commodore 64.  That is like one step away from throwing your own excrement for entertainment.
  3. DVR – Travis has bath and bed around 8.  This also happens to be when all the good ‘normal’ TV shows start.  If I couldn’t record the shows I watch I probably wouldn’t watch anything.  I understand this is probably the better option but I am not ready for that.  A digital video recorder is one of those things that once you get a taste your an addict.
  4. High Def Television – Much like number 3, once you get a taste there is no going back.  I used to say that I wasn’t interested in it until I really was exposed.
  5. Diet Coke – I used to make fun of our friend Ward because he drank Diet Coke … because he preferred the taste over regular Coke.  I switched to Diet Coke a long time ago to avoid the sugar.  Now on occasion I will have a regular Coke and it is simply too sweat to drink.  Ward, I am sorry.
  6. Sports – I probably should play more and watch less but no matter which way you serve it up, I love it.
  7. E-Mail – Just because I am ‘The Fone Guy’ at work doesn’t mean I like to use the phone.  I much rather communicate via the written word.
  8. Cow – Does this break the animal rule? Honestly some of my favourite things come from cows … Beef (all my favourite cuts), Gravy, Milk, Butter, Ice Cream plus you can wear leather and ride them too.  Does any other animal do more?  Cow, the Swiss army knife of the animal kingdom.
  9. Potato – I feel pretty much the same way about potatoes as I do cows.  Plus, according to Canada’s food guide one serving of french fries counts as a serving of vegetables.  If it wasn’t for fries I wouldn’t be very healthy now would I?
  10. Love Gambling – nothing makes something really boring liven up like a round of betting.  I love poker and blackjack and everything in between.  Slots … that just silly.

The last round of tags only resulted in 1 reply since most of my friend’s blogs are dead.  So I will tag the person who actually replied plus 4 of my famous friends.

Tagging: JayRo, Ana Kournikova, Rick Mercer, MC Hammer and of course Wil Wheaton.

Categories: Deep Thinking, Links

Arrrgh He Be One Mates

March 26, 2007 Leave a comment

Shiver me timbers I can’t believe it. Daddy’s little boy is 1 year old. The picture above was taken while Travis was enjoying his first piece of birthday cake. It seemed like he was more interested in licking off the icing then the cake itself … which he gets from his mother (she likes icing, I like cake).


This was the scene when he first caught sight of the piece of cake being delivered to his tray.  In the bottom of the frame you can see the awesome cake that Heidi made (with real gold doubloons).

And finally you see Travis working over his enormous pile of gifts.  We are going to run into some space issues in the house at this rate.  He received some other piratie-good gifts from his family in the States including a treasure chest sand box and a inflatable pirate ship / ball pit.  Good thing Travis likes to share with dad.

The party was great.  There was somewhere around 20 people that came by.  We ate, drank and were merry.  Everyone was very generous with their gifts as well (even though we really didn’t expect anything).  Thanks to all.

Heidi served up some honest to goodness southern BBQ in three flavours … pork, chicken and beef.  Easily a top 5 meal on my list and it really isn’t much more then some buns, large chunks of meat, some crock-pots and BBQ sauce.  There was enough left over that I had it for diner last night and lunch today.  I am still not sick of it … (diner #2 here I come).

A Year Goes By Quick

March 23, 2007 1 comment

Sunday March 25th is Travis’ first birthday. Looking back at everything that has gone on over the last year it is hard to believe. There were some days and nights that seemed like an eternity but the time as a whole really flew by.

What started out as a small event has really turned into something big. It looks like there will be 20+ people crammed into our house. It could very well be the event of the year. I am looking forward to it since there will be a bunch of people I haven’t seen much lately.

I hope to have some pictures and such to share with you next week.

Speaking of candles … Heidi has started selling Gold Canyon Candles. So for all your candle needs why don’t you visit her her new website …

In other news, I have fallen into the all encompassing world that is Facebook. It is like the mature version of MySpace. It is incredible who is out there. I recommend signing up if only as a trip down memory lane (but send me a friend request while you are there … I am lonely).

Categories: Family, Friends, Travis, Website, Weekend

Quick Check In

March 20, 2007 Leave a comment

Sorry fans, just a quick ‘how ya doing’ today.  Just when everyone in the house seemed to be getting back on their feet another round of illness sweeps through. 

I have some sort of relentless cough that just won’t go away.  I stayed home from work on Monday and tried to catch up on some sleep.  The cough finally seems to be subsiding today but I honestly feel a little woozy and concentrating on things is a little tough.  Not sure what is up there.

Yesterday Travis came down with a fever that went from bad to worse real quick.  We took him to the walk in clinic and the doctor felt it was a tonsil infection.  So T-Dogg is on some antibiotics.  Word from home is he is doing a little better today.  This kid just can’t catch a break.

Heidi actually seems in decent health but a little sleep deprived. 

In the good news department, we managed to get a Wii on the weekend.  All it took was a 6am trip out to Toys R Us.  Too bad no one is in the mood to play.

Categories: Family, Wii

Some Things Make It All Worth It

March 16, 2007 1 comment
Categories: Noteworthy, Travis

Button Pushers

March 15, 2007 4 comments

Sometimes the stupidest little things that people do, really gets my blood boiling. It is nice that I have this place to vent. Hopefully you can understand me and not label me as a wacko.

Today’s action that really bugs me are people who can not resist pressing the elevator button even though they know that it has been pressed. There is an even more annoying subset of this group as well … people who think the elevator will come faster if they press the button repeatedly.

You saw me standing here as you walked up. This elevator only goes one direction from the ground floor. Did you really think I was just waiting for your help in my quest to work this strange mechanical device that seems to teleport me from this location to another? Thankfully you were here to help me get through my magical journey from the ground floor to the sky.

Go ‘F‘ yourself. I think I can handle this one on my own.

Categories: Rants, Social Commentary

Mr. Thumbs Goes To The Mall

March 14, 2007 1 comment

Well my ongoing search for a Nintendo Wii took me to the Pacific Mall at lunch today.  I have never been there before but I have heard lots of things (mostly involving piracy of all forms, Arrr Matey, and/or the Police).

It certainly is an interesting place.  Interenet Blog Sensation Jorge has one of my favourite quotes about the Pacific Mall

Due in no small part to the Pacific Mall, which seems to have been teleported here from another planet

Boy is that true.  Even though my years of Ninja training have made me quite accustomed to Eastern culture, I still felt a little out of place here.  I did a full tour of the main level and was only able to find one place that seemed to be related to gaming.  They had no consoles but did have 1 Wii-mote which they wanted $65 (they retail for $45).  No thanks, that’s the one thing I have.

It was hard to even determine what each store/cubicle (imagine a giant airplane hanger that divided into 20 x 15 areas) sold.  I know you are supposed to be able to get all your consoles mod-chipped at the mall somewhere so I am sure I missed some places.  But if you are interested in any of the following things then this is the place to visit:

  • Bootleg DVDs (even some stuff still in theatres) 1 for $5 or 4 for $15
  • Knock off fashions / sunglasses
  • Crappy electronic devices from companies you never heard of
  • Computer parts (not sure how the pricing was though)
  • Anime/Manga books, video or toys (including the creepy ‘adult’ stuff)
  • Cell Phones, Cell Phones, Cell Phones
  • Green Tea and Ginseng

But as I as I am concerned … the quest continues!


Categories: Ninja, Pirates, Wii