Home > Funny, Pirates, Travis, Tubby, Weekend, Wii > Arrrrgh!


Well my new revised weight goal of ‘not gaining weight in August’ (from the previous ‘lose 10 lbs in August’) may be acheivable.  I was rocking 229 this morning and I was even lighter at the beginning of the weekend.

This past week has just been crazy and I can only imagine it to continue at this speed for most of the year.  We will see how we make out.  The guys trip to Vegas is coming up in a couple of more weeks so at least I will have one long weekend to get away from the craziness.

I have been doing as much as I can to get ready for the Magic: The Gathering Canadian National Grinders (as my rating is no longer high enough for me to qualify for such things).  They are a week from this Friday.  I hope to play in the 4pm Standard event with a chance at the 6pm one if that goes bad.  I spent most of my time this weekend with the family not doing much because the next week and change will be pretty Magic-centric.  At least Heidi has her Harry Potter game for the Wii.

Travis has just been hilarious recently.  He has finally started talking a bit.  Anytime something drops on the ground he says ‘Ooh-Ooh’.  Sometimes he says ‘Ooh-Ooh’ and then pushes something off of a table.  He may not quite understand it or perhaps he is even funnier then I give him credit for.  This weekend we had a huge breakthrough.  Now you can say ‘Travis, what does a Pirate say?’ and he will respond with ‘Arrrrgh!’.  One day he will thank me for these skills.

Categories: Funny, Pirates, Travis, Tubby, Weekend, Wii
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