
Archive for February 16, 2010

Family Day Check In

February 16, 2010 Leave a comment

I don’t expect this post to be very long.  Just wanted to make sure my weekly update didn’t get lost in the long weekend.  This morning I weighed in at 231.0lbs.  Finally a loss of 4.2lbs this week.  I am pretty excited, I felt really good this week and was fairly well disciplined with my eating.  I was in the gym 5 days, which included a 45 minute long Zumba class on Friday.  Zumba is a little like Dance Dance Revolution but in real life.  I try to follow the moves of the instructor at the same time, not falling down.  Here is a Zumba video for you to enjoy.  Our class is pretty much exactly like this.  And I would assume I am awesome.

Categories: Tubby