
Archive for May 28, 2007

Barbeque Or Barbeque?

May 28, 2007 2 comments

I weighed in at 237.8 (though I was 236.6 Saturday morning … damn you weekend) which is a loss of 3 pounds since last Monday.  My handy weight tracker tells me 3lbs/week is also my current trend putting me at my goal of 199 on Sept 2nd.  What a nice way to celebrate labour day.

This weekend I managed to get the lawns mowed, learned why plastic wall anchors shouldn’t be used to mount hanging baskets to brick and did some plumbing work to fix a couple of issues under the kitchen sink (though there were some swear words).  I have to give it to Heidi, the house looks really good with all her gardens and pots.  Perhaps some pictures are due.

Saturday evening I drove into downtown Toronto where my Dwarven fantasy army (Did I mention I was a geek?  Try walking around the T.Dot with your miniatures at 11pm if you want to feel really cool) were called upon to face Jav’s Chaos forces.  Jav is just getting his stuff assembled and painted (my is all assembled and painted in ‘mountain camo gray) so we play a small 200pt warbands match.  My warband consisted of 6 Thunderers and 10 Warriors (with Champion, Standard and Musician).  Jav had 6 Chaos Warriors and 7 Marauders.  We played the match 3 times.  Chaos is not a very good low point team since their figures cost so much.  All of the games were extremely lop sided. 

In game one, there was very little terrain and Jav’s forces were forced to march straight at me.  My Thunderers managed to destroy his Chaos warrior unit before they could charge and the Marauders didn’t have a good answer for my toughness 4 and armor.  They too were destroyed with out my warband receiving a single loss.  The second game featured too much terrain and Jav managed to keep his units out of Thunder sight/range.  The Chaos and Dwarf warrior units clashed and one dwarf went down in hand to hand and I was forced to make a break test (which I failed by rolling an 11 on 2d6).  This unit turned into the Dwarven track team and raced off the table.  Later I realized that since I outnumbered his unit I would of had an extra +1 modifier making the combat a draw.  The final game was much more like the first even though Jav swapped out his Marauder foot soldies for fast calvary.  I again eliminated all of his units without losing a Dwarf.  It was nice to get the stunties out of retirement for a game.

Sunday we invited some people over for yet another Barbeque.  We were a little unsure what the weather was going to be like so instead of having a barbeque we had barbeque.  Now if this last sentence made any sense to you, there probably is some ‘southern’ in your family.  Here is how it works (it makes sense this way in my head) … Having a BBQ means grilling Burgers, HotDogs, Sausage, Steak etc etc on the grill, hanging around out side and having good times.  Having BBQ refers to eating ‘Pulled Pork’ on a bun, a popular meal in the southern US and damn tasty. 

It is real easy to do, simply get a pork roast and/or beef roast and or bunch of chicken breasts (depending on the number and size there-of your guests) and let them sit in a crock pot all day.  The meat will be so tender you can shred it up with a fork and not much else.  Then drench in your favourite BBQ sauce (hence the name) and serve on a bun.  We also had salad (Potato, Macaroni, Caesar and Fancy Girl Berries and Feta).  Heidi and I love entertaining.  Sean and Janine brought their two boys so Travis had some peeps as well.

In a rematch of last Sunday, after T-Dogg went to bed, we played another game of Settlers of Catan.  This was probably one of the better rounds I had been involved with 3 people with legitimate chances to win at the end (damn you, why couldn’t someone roll a 9!) and everyone doing their fair share of building and developing.

This past week gets a passing grade from me!

Categories: Tubby, Weekend