
Archive for April 16, 2007

Now That’s A Hat

April 16, 2007 4 comments

When Travis was first born I have to admit he wasn’t a tonne of fun. A lot more akin to then anything. Not to down play how amazing it was to have him in our life, he just wasn’t really interactive.

But now, wowzers, he is a blast. Of course my opinion may certainly be skewed (for obvious reasons) but I think he is hilarious. Recently he has had a pretty bad case of diaper rash (seems to be caused by a milk allergy/sensitivity) so we have been giving him some time out of a diaper to help ‘air it out’. He loves being nude, he just runs around and giggles, showing the world his ‘junk’ (aka my dream job). He has also discovered that the nice breeze from the floor vent is very enjoyable while relieving yourself (so if you work for a HVAC service company you may want to pass on the job for our place). You take the good, you take the bad, you take them both and there you have … The Facts Of Life.

It is next to impossible to get him to wear a hat of any sort. Anytime you put one on him, he immediately pulls it off. (Unfortunately for him he has my savage cow-lick issue so he will eventually need to embrace the hat or the clippers). But in the last couple of days he has started to take underwear out of the laundry basket and wear it on his head. He runs around having a grand ole time and he couldn’t be happier. At first it seemed like he preferred mommies undies but I got a call today mentioning that he appears to be equal opportunity when it comes to gitch on the head. I am so proud.

Kids … I fully recommend you have some, mine is a comedic genius.

Categories: Funny, Travis