
Archive for April 4, 2007


April 4, 2007 2 comments

Well yesterday I turned a new leaf and tried to be nice, but everything can’t be roses and lolipops forever I suppose…

Another one of those little things that really boils my blood is when people inappropriate use the ! urgent flag on emails. Rarely is the matter actually important let alone urgent. There of course is a particularly annoying subset of these people who feel almost all of the emails are urgent and almost anything I receive from them is marked thusly.

I hate to tell you but this actually has the opposite effect on me. These are the emails I choose to wait on. Somehow they just slip to the bottom of the pile. This is as close to being an ass I as can get away with.

Thankfully this web game managed to make me feel better about things and now I don’t have to use bad language.

Categories: Rants