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Friends Share With Each Other

Here are a couple of quick news stories I found both interesting and funny.

First we have the tale of Freddie Wilhite. This 67 year old gentleman from just outside Fort Worth Texas, recently shot his wife twice in the stomach because she enticed him and ridiculed him over the years. I am sure that this is not supposed to be funny but as I have discussed that I have a problem before.

Here is the 911 audio. He is incredibly calm, pretty creepy actually. My favourite part is when he confirms the house address with ‘thats it baby’ with a bit of an Elvis flair. Have a listen.

Our second article is about presidential candidate (and long time Arizona Representative so he is well liked in the family) John McCain’s recent change in opinion about same sex marriage as posted on his MySpace page.


This guy is going to be president for sure! This is actually a lesson on why not to link to images on other people servers (like I have in this post) but I got a chuckle. You can read the full story here.

Categories: Funny, Links
  1. The Wife
    March 28, 2007 at 4:25 pm

    By any chance, do you feel like I entice and ridicule you???? Just wondering.

  2. March 28, 2007 at 4:40 pm

    Not yet … just be warned.

  3. Graham
    March 29, 2007 at 12:06 am

    Mike this is your best post in ages. The 911 call is class. “That’s it baby” might be my new catch line. And the McCain bit, awesome.

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