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11 Month’s Old

February 26, 2007 Leave a comment Go to comments

Well one more weekend behind us.  No change in my weight.  I need to lose 52.2 lbs in 46 weeks now.  That’s just a little more then a pound a week so it doesn’t seem unreasonable so hope is not lost.

But at least Travis turned 11 months old yesterday.  He is doing so good.  I have seen him walk up to 10 steps in a row before falling down (good thing those diapers have lots of padding).  Most of the time he is chasing Guinness around.  Guinness is really good about it and takes a lot of abuse.  Plus he really doesn’t get walked or played with much these days.  He really is a trooper.

My sister babysat for us on Saturday so that we could go to our ‘do’.  It was Mr. and Mrs. Jorge‘s baby shower/house warming/cocktail party extravaganza.  I managed to score some Outback gift certificates from work so we were going to get some meat to celebrate our night out of the house (with the hockey on Tuesday that makes it twice in the same week, we are living large!). 

There was only one problem with our plan … the Outback we went to doesn’t exist anymore.  Apparently the one on Mavis has been changed to a Milestones.  Not my favourite but Heidi loves them.  So we ate there instead (so if you like Outback maybe you should talk nice to me because I still have those gift certificates).  Heidi had the Surf and Turf (they had a fancy name for it but this was easier for me to spell) and I had Prime Rib.  Heidi loved hers and my was ‘decent’ but not as good as the prime rib at The Keg or Outback or Heidi’s or her Mom’s.

Shortly after diner we arrived at Jorge‘s place.  The house was easy enough to find … determining from the posted signs where an when you could park and not get a ticket or towed, not so much.  But we managed to get pretty close and not get towed so I am calling that a success!

There may of been several thousand people in the house/tardis.  They are really friendly and outgoing people plus Jorge makes friends and networks like a Mo-Fo so it didn’t really come to us a surprise.  There was wine, beer and food (including a seemly infinite supply of samosa’s) and much rejoicing.  It was a really interesting mix of people (including the drama teacher from my high school). 

I definitely know that some other world famous bloggers like Kelly and Shaun Hatton were there.  I am pretty sure I saw Callis2006 but that is just a guess based on a picture Jorge posted a while a go as I never managed to get to that side of the room to find out for sure.  I would guess there were other people I should of known but identification and names have never been skills of mine. 

I was in shock to find out how many people had seen an awful video we (Jorge, Dave and Myself among others) made many years ago in my basement which features me dancing around in a very non-manly way wearing a leather brimmed baseball hat and lime green Public Enemy flag as a cape.  Drinking would be my only excuse, but it would be a lie.  I fear this will soon arrive on YouTube.  But know this … if this does indeed happen I will release a tape I have in my possession of Jav with a pony tail, walking like Charlie Chan and almost dying water skiing.  It is like Mutually Assured Destruction but with two nations that don’t know anything about each other.  Trust me, it will be bloody.

That’s enough blathering one for one post … tomorrow part 2: Smash and Crash go to the autoshow.

Categories: Friends, Travis, Tubby, Weekend
  1. February 27, 2007 at 4:08 pm

    It was great to have you out!

    Indeed, it was a fine time to test the improbability matrix built into the walls of my home. Gravity remained constant, and so did Samosa/Beer flow.

    You guys are all wonderful friends, and we look forward to having you over when we don’t have to offset the gravitational constant of the universe…

  2. February 27, 2007 at 4:16 pm

    In other news, there is an Outback Steakhouse at Hwy 27 & Dixon Rd.

  3. mrs. jorge
    February 27, 2007 at 4:18 pm

    I can’t believe that I barely got a chance to see you! At least I got to say hi/bye before you actually walked out the door. It was just so amazing of you to come out to support us & the baby. I really feel like I have a support system if (ok, more like “when”) I need some advise. 🙂 So, thank you!

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