
Archive for February 5, 2007

Not So Super Weekend

February 5, 2007 3 comments

It is starting to feel a bit like a doctor’s waiting room around the house these days.  Last week Heidi was diagnosed with bronchitis and was prescribed antibiotics and steroids.  (This is your only warning, do not try to fight her, she may have superhuman strength.)  Then by the end of the week Travis seemed to be coming down with a cold.  Finally on Saturday it seemed like Heidi had the same cold that Travis has (a nice side order to the bronchitis).

When T-Dogg is sick, no one sleeps well in the house, it is just the way things are.  But when Mommy and T-Dogg are sick it makes for some exhausting nights.  None the less, the Super Bowl bash was canceled.  There has been talk of transforming it into a Survivor bash on Thursday but we will see how the patients are doing then.  You should see me in my sexy nurse outfit.

I did manage to watch the Superbowl though through the miracle of DVR.  I was a little disappointed by the commercials there were a couple of good ones but certainly not enough to live up to the hype.  Kevin Rose being the in commercial (Alex Albrecht is supposed to be in there as well but I didn’t see him … and I watched it over and over and over again … for research purposes) was a little ‘inside geek’ action.  The game recovered pretty well after the first period.  After the kickoff TD I thought to myself ‘This game is really going to suck’.  Poor Rex Grossman … he spent all year trying to prove that he was a capable QB but then proves all the nay-sayers right in a couple of hours.  I could smell his stench all the way to my house from Miami.  I would put him on suicide watch.

You may be asking, hey Mike how is that fight against your belt going?  Well go F yourself.  How dare you judge me.  In all seriousness January was a pretty rough month.  Being away for a week for work (which apparently means – eating out and drinking beer every night) didn’t help.  I am up a little less then a pound (251.6) but there is no more kidding anymore (which I know I have said before … I mean it this time).  I have a fancy little plugin that charts my progress and makes suggestions for me.  Like right now it is telling me that I currently can will not meet my goal of 199.9 by 1/1/2008 and suggesting I cut 588 calories out of my diet.  The stress of this plugin makes me want to eat …

Categories: Family, Sports, Tubby