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WSOP 2007

First things first … what did we learn from last nights Pirate Master premiere?  Well it started off a little slow but turned a corner half way through.  It is a little big brother and a little survivor.  The most interesting part of the game is the aspect of your winnings/treasure and being able to use it (bribe) during the game.  The most disappointing part of the show was the very end.  It was my understanding that the loser was to ‘Walk The Plank’, but instead they just put them on a raft and ‘cut them free’. 

Now that I have seen my top three picks in action I already want a do over.  First off, JD is out of control.  At the first opportunity he will probably be voted out (I had picked him as my #2).  Jay is a little more sleazy then piratey and I underestimated Louie.  It seemed from his picture that he was overweight but he is just barrel chested and a absolute tank.  Easily the most piratey of the bunch.  I am sending him to the number 1 slot with Jay number 2 … JD has left the building.  At least I got the part about women not having a chance right.

On to the topic of this post.  Today the 2007 World Series of Poker begins.  They have a much better mix of events this year but there are a lot (55 to be exact).  My group of buddies decided to do a pool using the scoring stolen from ESPN (found here).  It looks like 5 players paying $10 each (though Graham may enter 2 teams).  Simply pick 20 players, whomever’s team does better takes the money.  Here is my team …

Rock Solid Producers – Men ‘The Master’ Ngyuen, Barry Greenstein, John Juanda, Allan Cunningham and Daniel Negreanu

Scorching Hot – Paul Wasika, Nam Le, Ted Lawson, James Van Alstyne and Kirk Morrison

Scorching Hot and Named JC – JC Tran, JC Alvarado and JC Mortensen

Something To Prove – Phil Hellmuth, Eric Lingren

With Play Absolutely Every Event – David Williamson, Scott Fischman

Team Pokerwire Radio Bet – Gavin Smith, Joe Sebok and Jeff ‘Mad Dog’ Madsen

I wanted my team to consist of people who were going to play many events and not distracted by cash games or other action (Barry and Negreanu are worth the risk IMHO but that is why I didn’t take players like Ivey or Antonius.  I wanted to cover players that played many types of games (though Sebok and I believe Wasika are hold’em only players, not positive about a couple of the ‘hot’ guys).  Sprinkle with a few veterans and a few young guns and I am pretty happy.  I wanted to squeeze Scotty Ngyuen in but just couldn’t do it.  You call here and it’s all over baby!

Categories: Pirates, Poker, TV
  1. June 3, 2007 at 11:39 pm

    We used to run an office pool for The Apprentice and Survivor back when they were both newish. I won pool 1 for Survivor and pool 1 for Apprentice, and for the next six months I thought I was some kind of savant. Then I got my ass soundly handed to me on about the next six pools. So, turns out, I wasn’t so much a savant.

  2. June 4, 2007 at 9:01 am

    It’s not real Pirate Mastering until you allowed to kill the opposition.

    Until then it’s just a pansy-ass wannabe.

    I’m sorry, but it had to be said.

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