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Prepare you buckles to be swashed. Pirate Master is finally here … and they have a wiki page too! I am bold enough to make some early predictions about the results of the show.

I am sure I will get in trouble here but I have eliminated all of the women from contention already. I may be old fashioned (or blatently sexist) but the pirating is best left to the men. Simply reviewing the bio info provided on the site there are 3 that stand out to me.

Louie Frase – One with the sea, lives and breathes boating and looks piratey too. He will make it far but I don’t see him winning. I think Louie would make an excellent first mate but isn’t captain material. He is a little older and not as fit as some of the other guys and I am betting a bit of a sweetheart. This will get him in the end.

JD Morton – On the surface he looks like a strong bet as well. He is a professional ‘SmokeJumper‘ so he is crazy. Seems athletic and has sailing experience. But once again he is not conniving enough to be a proper pirate, he seems a little too hippy like.

Jay Hatkow – Here is your PiratesAndNinja.com predicted winner. Jay is a Automotive Parts Salesmen … anything to do with auto and sales makes you the right kind of character to be a pirate. He seems fit, lists poker in his interests and describes himself as devious in his bio. The real selling point is that on his wiki page he mentions before the show he spent time reading up on his Pirate History. Now that is dedication!

In other reality show news … we have been watching the start of Season 3 of So You Think You Can Dance. A very manly show I might add. We support all of the breakdancers and b-boys. Last night we saw the return of ‘Hok’ from last year, with proper visa in hand and Phillip Chbeeb, the sickest popper I have ever seen. I hoped to add the video of his performance to the post but I simply can not find it anywhere.

Categories: Breakdancing, Pirates, TV
  1. May 31, 2007 at 4:12 pm

    I wouldn’t write off the women if I were you. I mean, we all saw what happened in Pirates of the Caribbean 3, right?

    (I was going to say Pirates 3, but that would cause Graham to jump in with a off colour comment about material that is not fit for this PG-rated blog.)

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