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Pirate Master

Recently I got a high level communcation from my good friend Matty P. He was letting us know of a great upcoming day in everyone’s life. May 31st will be a very special day.

When you sit around and watch the big reality TV shows of our day (Survivor, Amazing Race, American Idol) what is the number one thought that comes into your mind … These shows are not ‘piratey enough’ (though I think this alot about many different things, probably more then the average person).

Well here comes the solution. ‘Pirate Master‘ is a like survivor on a ship. 16 Modern day pirates will attempt to find the $500K booty. Each week one Pirate will be forced to walk the plank. I am gitty with excitement.

Please do not attempt to talk to me on May 31st. I have much more important things to attend to.

Categories: Pirates, TV
  1. April 21, 2007 at 11:56 am

    That looks pretty cool.

    As a rule, I don’t really go for reality shows. There are not nearly enough super powers and such.

    But this might be worth it.


  2. April 21, 2007 at 7:48 pm

    When can we expect the Ninja reality show? No walking the plank there. Getting eliminated equals a good old fashion shurikening. Yes, that’s a word.

  3. April 23, 2007 at 3:26 pm

    I think it is pretty obvious that Ninja Master will be the next show in the series. The the underrated Viking Master. But then comes the true test. Season 4: Ninja Master Vs Pirate Master VS Viking Master All Star Reunion.

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