Home > Family, Friends, Noteworthy, Pirates, Travis, Weekend > Arrrgh He Be One Mates

Arrrgh He Be One Mates

Shiver me timbers I can’t believe it. Daddy’s little boy is 1 year old. The picture above was taken while Travis was enjoying his first piece of birthday cake. It seemed like he was more interested in licking off the icing then the cake itself … which he gets from his mother (she likes icing, I like cake).


This was the scene when he first caught sight of the piece of cake being delivered to his tray.  In the bottom of the frame you can see the awesome cake that Heidi made (with real gold doubloons).

And finally you see Travis working over his enormous pile of gifts.  We are going to run into some space issues in the house at this rate.  He received some other piratie-good gifts from his family in the States including a treasure chest sand box and a inflatable pirate ship / ball pit.  Good thing Travis likes to share with dad.

The party was great.  There was somewhere around 20 people that came by.  We ate, drank and were merry.  Everyone was very generous with their gifts as well (even though we really didn’t expect anything).  Thanks to all.

Heidi served up some honest to goodness southern BBQ in three flavours … pork, chicken and beef.  Easily a top 5 meal on my list and it really isn’t much more then some buns, large chunks of meat, some crock-pots and BBQ sauce.  There was enough left over that I had it for diner last night and lunch today.  I am still not sick of it … (diner #2 here I come).

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