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Quick Check In

Sorry fans, just a quick ‘how ya doing’ today.  Just when everyone in the house seemed to be getting back on their feet another round of illness sweeps through. 

I have some sort of relentless cough that just won’t go away.  I stayed home from work on Monday and tried to catch up on some sleep.  The cough finally seems to be subsiding today but I honestly feel a little woozy and concentrating on things is a little tough.  Not sure what is up there.

Yesterday Travis came down with a fever that went from bad to worse real quick.  We took him to the walk in clinic and the doctor felt it was a tonsil infection.  So T-Dogg is on some antibiotics.  Word from home is he is doing a little better today.  This kid just can’t catch a break.

Heidi actually seems in decent health but a little sleep deprived. 

In the good news department, we managed to get a Wii on the weekend.  All it took was a 6am trip out to Toys R Us.  Too bad no one is in the mood to play.

Categories: Family, Wii
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