Home > Ninja, Pirates, Wii > Mr. Thumbs Goes To The Mall

Mr. Thumbs Goes To The Mall

Well my ongoing search for a Nintendo Wii took me to the Pacific Mall at lunch today.  I have never been there before but I have heard lots of things (mostly involving piracy of all forms, Arrr Matey, and/or the Police).

It certainly is an interesting place.  Interenet Blog Sensation Jorge has one of my favourite quotes about the Pacific Mall

Due in no small part to the Pacific Mall, which seems to have been teleported here from another planet

Boy is that true.  Even though my years of Ninja training have made me quite accustomed to Eastern culture, I still felt a little out of place here.  I did a full tour of the main level and was only able to find one place that seemed to be related to gaming.  They had no consoles but did have 1 Wii-mote which they wanted $65 (they retail for $45).  No thanks, that’s the one thing I have.

It was hard to even determine what each store/cubicle (imagine a giant airplane hanger that divided into 20 x 15 areas) sold.  I know you are supposed to be able to get all your consoles mod-chipped at the mall somewhere so I am sure I missed some places.  But if you are interested in any of the following things then this is the place to visit:

  • Bootleg DVDs (even some stuff still in theatres) 1 for $5 or 4 for $15
  • Knock off fashions / sunglasses
  • Crappy electronic devices from companies you never heard of
  • Computer parts (not sure how the pricing was though)
  • Anime/Manga books, video or toys (including the creepy ‘adult’ stuff)
  • Cell Phones, Cell Phones, Cell Phones
  • Green Tea and Ginseng

But as I as I am concerned … the quest continues!


Categories: Ninja, Pirates, Wii
  1. March 14, 2007 at 4:04 pm

    You might save some headaches by just ordering online or from EB and waiting.

    I’m holding out for the Wii to have a self-contained battery that you plug into a stand to recharge.

    That’s my opinion.

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