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Not For The Feint Of Heart

February 27, 2007 Leave a comment Go to comments

This is pretty much how I imagined the ‘Jason Robar Baseball Incident’. You know, the one where Jav forces Jay to play baseball in the rain and Jay never walks properly again (and then aggrivated during the ‘Jason Robar Bowling Incident’).

The most amazing part of the whole thing … apparently the player in the clip (Shaun Livingston) only suffered a dislocated knee cap from this incident.

Categories: Holy Sh.., Sports
  1. February 27, 2007 at 10:34 pm

    [quote post=”167″]The most amazing part of the whole thing … apparently the player in the clip (Shaun Livingston) only suffered a dislocated knee cap from this incident[/quote]



    “Livingston had an MRI exam which revealed tears in the anterior cruciate ligament, posterior cruciate ligament, medial collateral ligament and lateral meniscus.

    He also dislocated his patella, in addition to the previously diagnosed dislocation of his tibia-femoral.”

    While I never actually saw the exact way that my knee bent (it was underneath me at the time of bending), I know that it was in the opposite direction to Livingston’s.

    It should also be noted that Livinston has managed to dislocate his left knee cap and his right knee cap during his NBA career.

  2. February 28, 2007 at 2:36 pm

    Excellent I fell much better about his injury. Lesson learned (as always, do not trust only the comments on Deadspin for your source of news).

  3. February 28, 2007 at 4:39 pm

    Ah, selective research…

    Gotta love it!

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