
Archive for February 23, 2007

Another Whirlwind Week

February 23, 2007 1 comment

Wow, that one really flew buy quick.  I don’t know what is going on around work these days, I have become very popular and people I have never talked to before, seemed to of found my desk.

Heidi and I were at the Leafs VS Boston game Tuesday night.  We missed most of the first period because of traffic and parking.  Toronto lost 3-0 but they did have 43 shots (vs 24) on net (though most of the time right at Tim Thomas’ chest).  Raycroft let in 3 weak goals (though one was dis-allowed for reasons unavailable in our upper bowl seats) and the Leafs just couldn’t put the puck in the net.  We did manage to spend 30 bucks for Cheese Steak Sandwich, BBQ Pork Sandwich (highly recommended), Poutine and a large Drink.  Our credit history check must not of passed as we were unable to procure (or chose not too) one or more of their 12.75 large draft beers.  Wow.

Heidi just brought this to my attention but it seems I did fairly well at the 2006 World Poker Cup.  Congrats to me and my team.  It was nice that Isabel ‘No Mercy’ Mercier took some time out of pro schedule to play on our team and bump up the overall ‘hotness’ factor.

Pretty big social weekend coming up too.  Heidi and I are going to a ‘do’ Saturday night that I am sure I will talk about next week.  Sunday I am going to the Autoshow with ‘Crash’ my next door neighbour.  Hopefully I can sneak in a nap or something because I am worn out these day.  ZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Categories: Cars, Sports, Weekend