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Daddy’s Little Helper

February 20, 2007 Leave a comment Go to comments

Recently there was a loud pop and the odour of burning electronics in our kitchen. Shortly after we found ourselves purchasing a new dishwasher. These events may be related.

Even after the accident I still think I am a pretty handy guy (no pun intended). So that means we do our own appliance installations around these parts. Did you know that dishwasher are hard wired into a circuit and don’t just plug in like the stove or refrigerator? Well I do now.

Well thankfully Travis is around now so he can help with some of these projects. He gave me a hand doing the final wiring once we had the the new dishwasher in place.

Of course, shortly after this picture Travis gave me the wrench (and by ‘gave me the wrench’ I mean he whacked me in the heard with the wrench). He also managed to stab me in the leg with the drill.

It is nice to know that I wear my pants/boxers the same way as my 10 month old son.

Categories: Travis
  1. February 22, 2007 at 11:13 am

    I thought you were going to write how you made him crawl under the dishwasher to fix it, and when he was back there he discovered a secret world of little people who use everyday objects we take for granted as vehicles.

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