
Archive for February 15, 2007

Cadillac Pimpin’

February 15, 2007 4 comments

I’m chillin, wood spinnin
No Bentley’s, Cadillac pimpin
I’m cruisin, hoes choosin
That’s cool cuz I’m Cadillac pimpin
Spoke spinnin, gold grillin
Liquor spillin, Cadillac pimpin
Keep ridin, car slidin
That’s cool cuz I’m Cadillac pimpin


What a hectic week.  This is my first chance to even catch my breath.  I returned the rental car on Monday and picked up Pop Duke’s Caddy (’99 DeVille).  After years of driving compact cars it is a big change to get in this land-boat.  It feels more like sailing then driving too.  There are radio controls on the steering wheel which is nice, since you can’t reach the radio controls while sitting.  But it has ‘ass warmers’ so it is all worth it.

Heidi and I are still discussing what we are going to do vehicle wise.  Seems we are leaning towards buying a couple year old minivan and then buying something new for me when the lease on our other vehicle is up next January.  This option makes the most sense, but I don’t know if I am ready for a minivan.  At least I will get to drive the truck we bought for Heidi when I got a new job (I still don’t understand that math).

Yesterday was Valentine’s Day.  Being parents really makes this a different day.  I got hand made cards from Travis, Guinness and Heidi which were really nice. We didn’t really do anything special last night as next week I have tickets to the Leaf game and the neighbours are going to watch Travis.  Nothing says ‘I Love You’ like hockey.

Categories: Cars, Family, Sports