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Stereo Reclamation Project

Well yesterday I actually ended up taking a day off of work.  There were 2 objectives for this.  First, as mentioned before, Travis is sick so no one sleeps well.  Getting a good night of sleep would help Heidi get over her own illness.  So I let her sleep as much as she could Tuesday night and Wednesday morning.  Hopefully it did her some good (even when given the opportunity she isn’t the greatest sleeper).

Secondly, I needed to get as much of my stereo equipment out of my car before the insurance company becomes it’s official owner.  Other then working for a couple of hours outside in a car that was -15 degrees Celsius things went pretty well.  I managed to get my 4x75W Amp Staging, 1x1100W Mono-D Bass amp, 1 Farad Cap, my subwoofer box (which I was afraid may be stuck in the back with the crushed trunk area), my 6×9 rear speakers (though I think I torn the cone of one of them) and my Kenwood head unit.  The only thing I didn’t get were the door speakers because I was never really that happy with them, my fingers were frozen and taking the door panels off to get at them is NOT FUN!

You may see that we are rocking a new theme.  This one is called Redoable and I like it quite a bit.  There is a problem with the comments that I am trying to work with the theme developer to fix.  If we can’t get it resolved over the weekend I will return to default and continue my search for the perfect, new theme (I actually have a couple loaded up I like).

Hopefully we can get the comments working and then you can tell me what you think.

Categories: Cars, Website
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