
Archive for February 6, 2007


February 6, 2007 1 comment

That’s what my car apparently is worth.  The cost to repair the car from the accident is $5100 so the insurance company is considering it a ‘write off’ and will buy my car for $3500 from me.  I have mixed emotions about the whole thing.  As much as my car frustrated me (only 1 fan speed worked, the gas gauge made up numbers, the abs makes a funny rumble and I should of gotten power locks and windows) we have been through a lot.  It was the first new car I ever bought.

With Heidi currently on Mat leave, car shopping right now is probably not in our best interest.  It looks like I may just buy a bit of a beater and pound it back and forth to work.  The lease on Heidi’s fancy truck is up next January and she is ready to convert to a Mini-Van like all good mothers so maybe someone can strike us a deal then on 2 cars.

Pop Dukes (my Dad) has a bit of a car fleet over at his place.  He has a vehicle from work, he has a Ford F150 that he uses to pull his trailer and he has his pimpin’ good Olde’ Man Caddy.  He has mentioned that the Cadillac is available if I need it for a while.  This may be the smart choice, I can spend the insurance money on a nice suit, cane and fedora.

Categories: Cars