
Archive for February 1, 2007

A Close Call

February 1, 2007 3 comments

Well yesterday I was in a car accident on my way to work.  Someone tried to change lanes into the side of my car and swerved into the shoulder but lost control in the snow/slush build up.  My car spun around almost 180 degrees and I crossed back through 3 lanes of traffic backwards colliding with 2 cars in the slow lane, finally coming to rest on the shoulder of the other side.

I feel pretty lucky.  We were moving pretty slow (I guess around 35 km/h), the centre lane was empty and I managed to finish up out of the way of oncoming traffic.  It could of been easily worse.  Two years ago I was driving Heidi’s SUV and was tapped in the side by a swerving tractor-trailer and sent spinning off into a guard rail but came out in good condition.  Last year Heidi and I were rear ended while sitting dead stopped in bumper to bumper traffic on the highway.

To make things short … I am pretty sick of commuting.  During the Christmas holiday’s ‘someone’ smashed up Heidi’s truck while we were in Arizona.  That makes 2 accidents for each of our 2 vehicles in the last 2 years.  The body shop loves us.  Next time we need to renew our insurance … I don’t know if we can afford to drive anymore, better look into some bikes.

The body shop guy doesn’t think my car is going to make it through this one.  There looks to be damage to the rear section of the frame.  In a car that is almost 8 years old with 230,000 KMs on it and a resale value less the stereo equipment in it, it probably will be written off.  And when you are 10 months through single salary/mat leave car shopping isn’t very high on the ‘to-do’ list.

Through all of this, getting home (the tow truck driver dropped me off) and seeing Heidi and Travis seemed to make things better.

Categories: Family, Stories